What is NFT?

2 min readDec 18, 2020

Hello everyone! What is NFT?

NFT, non-fungible token

Non-fungible tokens contain identifying information recorded in their smart contracts. It’s this information that makes each NFT different and as such, they cannot be directly replaced by another token. They cannot be swapped like for like, as no two are alike.

Bitcoin is a fungible token. You can send someone one Bitcoin and they can send one back, it would still be one Bitcoin. The value might change depending on the time between exchanging Bitcoin, but it’s essentially the same. You can also send or receive any part of a Bitcoin, measured in Satoshi, as fungible tokens are divisible.

Non-fungible tokens are not divisible.

Tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens are fungible. Ethereum’s non-fungible token standard, as used by DNFT, is ERC-721. Non-fungible tokens can also be created on other smart-contract-enabled blockchains with non-fungible token tools and support.

Non-fungible tokens are also making waves in one of cryptocurrency’s most intriguing and innovative spaces, the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

Now we have launched 40 different NFT products on our website https://dnft.io/, you can choose to purchase.

It is widely committed that NFT has its own collection value in the market, and more importantly, it can be mined to earn DNFTs which can be exchanged to ETH at Uniswap.

You can also sell NFTs at our online shop on Opensea : https://opensea.io/collection/planet-1-v2

Or you can choose to go to our official website and purchase any type of NFT product on Home page, and then switch to “Mining” page to click on the button “Mining” to start mortgage mining and get the returns.

Now with the combination of the DeFi concept and NFT products, DNFT delivers a completely decentralized financial opportunity on blockchain technology. Through our innovative algorithm and smart contracts, we can maintain consistent and long-term benefits for our users!

Try now!

For more information, please refer to:

Official website: https://dnft.io


Twitter: https://twitter.com/DNFTofficial


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DNFT is an innovative combination of DEFI and NFT with stable financing features