2 min readDec 21, 2020

DeFi, Decentralized finance has become the center of attention throughout most of 2020, with many believing that mass adoption of DeFi will be coming within the next three to 10 years. Nevertheless, other sectors in the space have also been gaining traction.

NFT, Non-fungible tokens are a perfect example of this. An NFT is a tokenized version of an asset, digital or otherwise. They are similar to stablecoins, for example, but are used to represent non-fungible assets like artwork, real estate or collectibles instead of a fiat currency.

Non-fungible tokens and associated projects have been on the rise this year, especially recently. Following DeFi’s footsteps, projects in the NFT world have also begun issuing governance tokens, a trend that may help the industry gain traction as it did for DeFi in the liquidity space.

DNFT.Finance team has combined the DeFi concept and NFT products, and now has launched 40 different financial products. These products are all implemented by smart contracts under our developed algorithm, which can ensure long-term and stable economic benefits.

All 40 products are released through standard ERC721 token contract, which is to ensure product uniqueness. These products can be purchased in ETH, USDT, WBTC and DNFT currencies.

In general, users use ETH, USDT, WBTC and DNFT to buy our NFT products, and then through a certain period of mortgage mining, 7 days to 180 days, users can obtain stable income. After that, NFT products not only have collection value, but also can be auctioned in NFT exchange platform (You can sell NFTs at our online shop on Opensea for profit.

Come join us and catch up with the big trend of the currency circle!

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DNFT is an innovative combination of DEFI and NFT with stable financing features